Healthcare has changed tremendously in the past few years, and the progress that’s being made seems straight from the pages of a sci-fic novel. Not too long ago, health records were kept in thick manila folders, and now many...
Category - Technology
Homomorphic encryption is a form of which allows us to perform computations on encrpyting data. Moreover, it provides confidentiality, enabling useful tasks for accomplishment. In addition, it has hugely valuable...
Tactile VR is a haptic digital architectural environment that combines physical materiality with digital information to create a multi-sensory, interactive experience. Virtual Reality (VR) technology utilises visual and...
We can say, operating system (OS) is an interface between a computer user and computer hardware. Operating system (OS) is a software which performs all the basic tasks like file management, memory management, process...
Data analytics(DA) is the science of analyzing raw data in order to make conclusions about that information. As we know, data analytics(DA) comprises the processes, tools and techniques of data analysis and management, including...
Deep learning is an artificial intelligence (AI) function that mimics the functions of the human brain. It mimics in processing data and creating patterns for use in decision making. Also, deep learning is a subset of machine...
Firstly, Home automation is a technology for building smart homes to manage home appliances like lighting, home security etc. Secondly, to build this technology we use Artificial Intelligence. In this article, we will see the...
Google Glass is a wearable, voice- and motion-controlled Android device that resembles a pair of eyeglasses and displays information directly in the user’s field of vision. Google Glass offers an augmented...
The rise of information technology : Digital World – that is, computers, software, telecommunications and the internet – and the large impact that these new technologies are having on the way that society functions, have...
Reinforcement learning is an area of Machine Learning. In reinforcement learning, an artificial intelligence faces a game-like situation. And then the computer employs trial and error to come up...