Sentiment Analysis refers to the process of determining sentiments of users which can be positive, negative or neutral. Moreover, in this article, we will focus on using Twitter for sentiment analysis and extracting opinions...
Information Security deals with protection of information against unauthorized access and adding various security measures. Moreover, there are various security objectives. Let’s take a look at them. Information...
Problem characteristics in AI refers to finding an optimal way and a good solution to characterize the problem. In addition, problem solving is one of the key concerns in AI. Certainly, we know AI is a vast field and branch of...
Mobile Ad Hoc Network also known as wireless ad hoc network is a network design without any formal structure. Moreover, nodes connecting to the network make configuration dynamic without following pre define top down...
Healthcare has changed tremendously in the past few years, and the progress that’s being made seems straight from the pages of a sci-fic novel. Not too long ago, health records were kept in thick manila folders, and now many...
Ransomware is a form of malware that encrypts a victim’s files. The attacker then demands a ransom from the victim to restore access to the data upon payment.Ransomware attacks on the economy are growing increasingly...
Suddenly thinking we can’t decide what it is, but the person who is well worse in these topic can decide whether to call it parasitic computing or hacking. These both are the two sides of the same is formal and...
In 19 ‘s many of people use to think that having smart phone was big issue, but now days it’s all about tabs, apple set must know the some of the 5 android hacks for smartphone to make it still more smart. ...
Homomorphic encryption is a form of which allows us to perform computations on encrpyting data. Moreover, it provides confidentiality, enabling useful tasks for accomplishment. In addition, it has hugely valuable...
Tactile VR is a haptic digital architectural environment that combines physical materiality with digital information to create a multi-sensory, interactive experience. Virtual Reality (VR) technology utilises visual and...