In this blog, we will show you the best programming language for web development. In this technological era, technical skills are required in all areas at this time. There are many languages. we now live with technology...
App developers are pushing the envelope on a daily basis trying to improve and enhance our smartphone and tablet experiences. In fact, so many Android apps come out every day that it’s difficult to keep track of them all. The...
Artificial Intelligence is a major branch of computer science to build system and applications that perform tasks smartly. It depicts intelligence by machines. In other words, we can say that AI uses algorithms and...
As we know, RSA algorithm is an asymmetric cryptography method because it uses two different keys for encryption and decryption. Public key is available to all and private key is for individual encryption. It is an acronym...
One should consider information privacy in big data as a serious issue after the recent data leaks in Dominos after Cambridge Analytica and Facebook. Big data is very popular in various fields because of its applications, ease...
Cryptography is the study of methods and algorithms used for encryption of data for converting plain text to cipher text. Network Security deals with the measures that are taken to protect the data against any kind of misuse...
some of us may wonder ,why cyber security is important for digital India. As we all know that digital India is dream of every Indian . but due to some or the other reason we are lagging back. Cyber security issue is not...
What is Cryptocurrency? A cryptocurrency is a digital or virtual currency that is secured by cryptography, which makes it nearly impossible to counterfeit or double-spend. Many cryptocurrencies are decentralized...
Angular – a JavaScript open-source framework. React, Vue – are library, when used in conjunction with other tools, becomes a framework. We analyzed the number of open positions worldwide that require a...
WHAT IS VIRUS? A computer virus is a malicious piece of computer code designed to spread from device to device. Computer viruses generally require a host program The virus writes its own code into the host program. When the...