MANETs (Mobile Ad hoc Networks) are a type of mobile network that includes wireless mobile nodes for communication. These nodes self-organize in unpredictable and volatile topologies. In this situation, a wireless system that can transfer data from a source to a destination while taking into account the mobility of the nodes is critical.

MANET stands for Mobile Adhoc Network, also known as a wireless Adhoc network or Adhoc wireless network, which is usually built on top of a Link Layer ad hoc network and provides a routable networking environment. They are made up of a group of mobile nodes that are connected wirelessly in a self-configuring, self-healing network with no fixed infrastructure.

There are numerous safeguards in place in wired networks when communication is taking place. Intruders must pass via firewalls and guarded gateways to communicate safely and securely in these networks. Furthermore, wired networks provide secure communications. However, in wireless mobile ad hoc networks, nodes are dynamic and topology-based, necessitating higher power consumption.

Because of the mobility of wireless mobile adhoc networks, there are numerous vulnerabilities that can be exploited by attackers who want to collapse portions or complete networks. As a result, a thorough understanding of the numerous difficulties related with wireless mobile networks is essential.

Because a node can receive a packet of data supplied within its frequency range, this is true. As a result, when the nodes are mobile, the receiving node can suddenly move out of frequency range. It enables people and machines to connect in places where there is no established communication infrastructure.

MANETs have the following main characteristics:

1. Self-organization and management

2. The majority, if not all, of the nodes are mobile.

3. The network topology shifts.

4. No wires

5. Node is a router as well as a host.

6. Routing with multiple hops

7. Limitation of power

8. Scale variation

9. Heterogeneity

10. Decentralization

11. Paths of variable routing

12. Topology that is constantly changing

13. No need for an access point 14. Distributed Operation

The following are some of the applications of MANETs:

1.Military Battlefield

2. Sensor Networks

3. Medical Service

 4.Commercial Sector

5. The importance of the Personal Area Network in denial-of-service attacks.


1. Accessibility

A node always provides the services for which it was created. It focuses on denial-of-service assaults in particular. Some selfish nodes prevent some network services from working.

2. Integrity

The process of ensuring the identification of the sender is referred to as integrity. Malicious attack and unintentional alteration are the two challenges. The intent is the main distinction between these two. In a malicious attack, the attacker changes information on purpose, whereas in unintentional changing, a benign node alters information by accident.

3. Nondisclosure

Some information should only be accessible to a select group of people who have been granted permission to do so. Unauthorized individuals should not be able to access this sensitive information.

4. Reliability

Authenticity determines whether or not a node is an impostor. It is critical that the participants’ identities are protected by encrypting their separate codes. The adversary may pose as a benign node and obtain access to sensitive information or even send out malicious messages.

5. Non-Repudiation

Non-repudiation assures that neither the sender nor the recipient of a message may deny sending or receiving it. The fact that you’ve been compromised is established without a doubt. If a node realises that the message it has received is incorrect or genuine, for example. The node might then use the erroneous message as proof to inform the other nodes that it has been compromised.

6. Authorization

A genuine set of credentials, granted by the relevant authority, will be required to assign access rights to users at various levels. It usually employs a method of permission.


1. There Are No Safe Boundaries

Adversaries in a wired network must gain physical access to the network medium. They may even have to pass through firewall and gateway layers. However, in MANETs, gaining access to the network is simple as long as the node is within frequency range. MANETs, as a result, do not provide a secure barrier.

2. Computational and Powerful L Imitations

Electric power supplies are available for wired networks, while power supplies are limited for wireless networks. As a result, if a node in a network has a restricted power source, it may act selfishly.

3. Absence of a centralised management structure

Because ad hoc networks lack a central management mechanism, they are subject to a variety of issues. Because it is impossible to inspect and control traffic in a highly dynamic and large-scale ad hoc network due to a lack of centralised management machinery, identifying assaults is a difficult task.

4. Cooperativeness

The nodes in MANETs are assumed to be cooperative and non-malicious, according to a standard assumption about routing methods. By ignoring protocol standards, a malicious attacker can quickly become a critical routing agent and disrupt network operations.


  • Active

Malicious nodes launch active attacks. In addition, in order to carry out the attacks, these nodes use some energy. Active attacks entail data manipulation or the fabrication of misleading data.

Active attacks include:

  • Sinkholes

A hacked node tries to entice data from all nearby nodes to it. The node listens in on all data exchanged between its neighbours. Sinkhole attacks can also be used on ad hoc networks like AODV by boosting the sequence number or reducing the hop count.

  • Service Disruption

DoS attacks are carried out by flooding the target with a large amount of network traffic. This uses up all of the target’s processing power and renders the target’s services inaccessible. It is impractical due to the scattered nature of the services. Furthermore, mobile ad hoc networks are more susceptible to attacks than conventional networks. The vulnerability is caused by an interference-prone radio channel and low battery power.

  • Wormhole Attack

MANET routing protocols are vulnerable to wormhole attacks. Routing is disrupted when an attacker records packets at one site and redirects them to another. Because of the redirection, this happens. WORMHOLE ATTACKS are the name given to such catastrophes.

  • Modification

It has an impact on data integrity. The packet is tampered with by the attacker.

  • Spoofing

When a hostile node impersonates another node, this is known as spoofing. It does so in order to distort an innocent node’s view of the network topology. The man in the middle is another term for spoofing. The attacker accomplishes this by displaying its IP address as the IP address of the node it wishes to impersonate.

  • Fabrication

Fabrication refers to attacks that generate bogus routing information. These are difficult to spot since they appear to be legal routing structures, particularly in the case of erroneous. They allege that they are unable to reach a neighbour.

  • Attack of Sybil

Sybil attack occurs when one node impersonates a group of nodes. Because a node relies on a large number of intermediate nodes for communication, there are redundant methods in place to ensure data transmission. However, if a single rogue node can represent a large number of nodes, the attacker’s task becomes easier.

The destination nodes are now unable to interpret the packet changes. Fake endorsements concerning a party’s integrity can also be sent, increasing visitors to the site.

  • Inactive

The routing protocol is not disrupted in passive attacks. It is possible to collect useful information such as node hierarchy and network topology. The attacker’s purpose is to obtain data that is being sent over the network. Because passive assaults do not require data alteration, they are difficult to detect. The attacks that follow are passive.

  • Eaves Dropping

Eavesdropping is used to gather confidential information from a conversation. The location, public key, private key, and even passwords of the nodes are all examples of secret information. It’s critical to keep such information secret from prying eyes.

  • Analyze the Traffic

The attacker examines the traffic, determines its location, discovers communicating hosts, and determines the frequency and length of messages being exchanged in this attack. These details are utilised to forecast how people will communicate. The network’s whole incoming and outgoing traffic is unaffected.

  • Observation

The nodes are being watched. The node’s packet transactions and other activities are audited and validated.


In general, intrusion detection and secure routing techniques are the two types of security approaches used in MANET.

  1. Detection of Intruders

An Intrusion Detection System (IDS) is a critical component of any security system. Its primary purpose is to detect possible security policy violations by monitoring system activities and responding to those that appear to be intrusive. If an attack is identified in the network, a reaction is launched to prevent or limit the system’s harm.

2. Intrusion Detection Based on Misuse

Attack signatures are detected by Misuse-Based IDSs based on current system actions. Commercial IDSs often favour them since they are efficient and have a low false positive rate. The biggest disadvantage is that it is incapable of detecting fresh attacks. Because the system is only as robust as its signature database, periodic database updates are required.

  • Intrusion detection based on anomalies

Intrusions are detected as anomalies, or deviations from usual behaviour patterns. The likelihood of regular activity being recognised as anomalies by IDS is high with anomaly-based detection, and it can also detect undiscovered threats.

  • Intrusion Detection Based on Specifications

Intrusions are defined as runtime violations of routing protocol terms in this section. They’re commonly used to identify forging and alteration assaults. This approach, on the other hand, is unable to detect assaults that do not directly break protocol standards.

3. Encrypted Routing

In mobile ad hoc networks, there are a variety of attacks on the routing layer, some of which are more sophisticated and difficult to detect than others, such as Wormhole and Rush assaults.

4. Pathrater and Watchdog

In the presence of misbehaving nodes, Watchdog and Pathrater improve MANET’s performance. Watchdog detects misbehaviour by storing packets to be forwarded in a buffer and sneakily deciding whether or not the packets are forwarded unchanged by the neighbour node.

The packets that are sneaked are discarded if they match the observing node’s buffer. Packets that remain in the buffer after the timeout period has passed without a successful match are marked as dropped or altered. The forwarding node is then flagged as suspicious.

The node is labelled malevolent if the number of infringements exceeds a preset threshold. The Pathrater component receives information concerning malicious nodes, which is used in path rating evaluation.

Pathrater, which runs on a separate node, rates all of the well-known nodes in a network. Ratings are created and maintained from the standpoint of a certain node. Nodes begin with an unbiased rating that is adjusted over time depending on observed packet forwarding behaviour.

Nodes that have been observed by watchdog to be misbehaving are given a rating of -100 right away. It’s important to note that misbehaviour is recognised as packet mishandling/modification, but untrustworthy behaviour is identified as link breakdowns.

Using localised Self-healing Communities, a secure ad hoc routing approach is developed.

The concept of a “self-healing community” is based on the observation that wireless packet forwarding typically relies on the transmission of packets by more than one immediate neighbour. At each forwarding phase, community-based security incorporates node redundancy, allowing the traditional per-node based forwarding scheme to be seamlessly changed to a new per-community based forwarding scheme. Because a self-healing community can only function if there is at least one cooperative “good” node in it.

Several routing approaches aid in the secure implementation of ad hoc routing. Some of them deal with specific attacks aimed at disrupting ad hoc routing services and offer solutions to assist fight against them, while others attempt to provide effective tools or schemes to protect ad hoc routing services from all types of attacks.

Because the routing service is one of the most critical network services in mobile ad hoc networks, new attack types against ad hoc routing may emerge at any time, making it difficult to protect against them.


All sorts of MANETs can benefit from information routing approaches. Reducing packet overhead and processing time, as well as enhancing accuracy, is a major problem with this strategy.

It can detect cooperating harmful nodes by increasing accuracy. The flexibility of MANETs will increase as the processing time of this technique decreases.

Because it is impossible to discover cooperative nodes, the sniffing strategy is beneficial in the case of single attacks. Whoever it is, it wastes the energy of the nodes and is unsuitable for use in a MANET with high-speed nodes.

The open border of sniffing techniques study is finding a more effective way to calculate the threshold and present an effective detection mechanism while reducing time and packet overhead.

Apart from that, discovering coordinated malicious nodes is difficult. Comparing sniffing with other defeating tactics is recommended in order to address this difficulty.

MANET is a self-configuring, self-organizing network with no centralised control. As a result, encryption and authentication can be questioned. The most significant issues are the key distribution and control units. Clustering is one technique to overcome these obstacles; as a result, the Cluster Head can serve as the principal distributer.

Creating and maintaining clusters is extremely difficult due to MANET’s changing topology. For this task, it is highly advised that you use fuzzy logic or a swarm-based approach. Another area of study focus is reducing the processing time and overhead of encryption approaches.

Approaches that use redundancy generate a lot of duplicate packets and waste node resources. It also causes more congestion and packet loss. It’s difficult to choose the right amount of duplicated paths based on the risk level. Another difficult issue is combining this strategy with other approaches in order to detect rogue nodes.

In multi-type MANETs, dynamic frequency is effective. Each node in a multi-type MANET secures its packets by transmitting them at different frequencies using this method. Furthermore, breaking one frequency has no bearing on the others. In this technique, this is a challenge.


The researcher attempted to comprehend what MANETs are, their characteristics, and their applications in this work. The numerous criteria that are used to assess the network’s safety are also realised. Importantly, the different weaknesses in MANETs, as well as the potential assaults, are investigated.

The study of the aforementioned provides a solid foundation for understanding potential difficulties in MANETs. It aids in the selection of an appropriate method for resolving the problem at hand. The final report on security measures outlines viable solutions to all of the issues.

Furthermore, research into the aforementioned topics will aid researchers in understanding the underlying methodologies, as well as the flaws of existing systems, and will provide them with a clear concept of where the research should go in order to produce a better system with expanded features.

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