Li-Fi (Light Fidelity) Technology will allow us to connect to the internet using light from lamps, streetlights or LED televisions. In addition to being cheaper, safer and faster than wifi, it does not need a router. All you need to do is point your mobile or tablet towards a light bulb to surf the web.
How does LIFI work??
LiFi is a Visible Light Communications system transmitting wireless internet communications at very high speeds. The technology makes a LED light bulb emit pulses of light that are undetectable to the human eye and within those emitted pulses, data can travel to and from receivers.
Then, the receivers collect information and interpret the transmitted data. This is conceptually similar to decoding Morse code but in a much faster rate – millions times a second. LiFi transmission speeds can go over 100 Gbps, 14 times faster than WiGig, also known as the world’s fastest WiFi.
- Less interference
- can pass through salty sea water
- works in dense region
- The major driving force behind the popularity of Li-Fi is its reliability and fast response.

- Coverage Distance: light can’t pass through walls, the signal’s range is limited by physical barriers.
- airlines
- undersea explorations
- operation theaters in the hospitals
- office and home premises for data transfer and internet browsing
Other Factors:
- Coverage Distance: About 10 meters.
- Data Density: Works in high-density environments.
- Interference: Does not have any interference issues similar to radio frequency waves.
- Operation: LiFi transmits data using light sources (presently LED bulbs).
- Privacy: With LiFi, light is blocked by the walls and hence will provide more secure data transfer.
Li-Fi (Light Fidelity) Technology uses LED bulbs for transmitting data where it acts both as an emitter and photodiode for detecting the light. Li-Fi does not operate on radio waves making it even more useful in working with aviation and marine industries.